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Fame | Ricardo Arjona net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Ricardo Arjona? When is Ricardo Arjona's birthday? Where is Ricardo Arjona born? Where did Ricardo Arjona grow up from? What's Ricardo Arjona's age?

Ricardo Arjona Born: January 19, 1964 (age 59years), Jocotenango, Guatemala

Is Ricardo Arjona married? When did Ricardo Arjona get married? Who's Ricardo Arjona's married to? (Who's Ricardo Arjona's husband / wife)?

Ricardo Arjona Spouse: Leslie Torres (m. ?2005)

Does Ricardo Arjona have any children? What are the names of Ricardo Arjona's children? What are the ages of Ricardo Arjona's children?

Ricardo Arjona Children: Adria Arjona

How tall is Ricardo Arjona in meters or centimeters?

Ricardo Arjona Height: 6 4

How about Ricardo Arjona's current_partner?

Ricardo Arjona Current_partner: Deisy Arvelo (2010)

What happened to Ricardo Arjona?

In the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, he met Puerto Rican Leslie Torres and had two children with her: Adria and Ricardo.

Who is Ricardo Arjona wife?

In the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, he met Puerto Rican Leslie Torres and had two children with her: Adria and Ricardo.
